Welcome to our forums!

Welcome To The Forums
New to the forums? Here is how to start.
If you are purely new to the forums you should start off by creating an introduction in the introduction section of our forums here (https://radiationgamingnetwork.mistforums.com/category/introductions-552556) 
As the Head-Administrator of RGN I welcome all new players, innovators, and creators to our community. We offer a vast array of positions in our community that allows players to experience Role Play like no other. Our community offers creators and innovators a chance to prove their creativity by listening to player feedback and taking suggestions from our player base on what they would like to see on and off our community. For the player feedback thread go here (https://radiationgamingnetwork.mistforums.com/category/player-feedback-553327)
To finish I would like to welcome you all to the Radiation Gaming Network I hope you all enjoy your stay on our server, forums, and our community thanks - HA Vick